Bergdorf Goodman is a sanctuary of taste and design. Their holiday windows exempllfy the things about BG that I love. I got to be part of the Burke & Pryde studio realization of the most expensive Bergdorf Goodman window ever! I was in charge of about half of the 60 author portraits, and all of the text. The red library was rendered entirely in thread, fabric and wool. It was a hard and long project. When I get to be part of something like this I feel like it is a decorative spa- a chance to really soak in a totally different and special perspective. It is also always a pleasure to work with boss lady and friend Johanna Burke.
photo by Ricky Zehavi
photo by Ken Hamm
The WSJ covered the ramp up to the windows and I didn’t get a cameo, but my machine did! I'm very proud that the window includes our own Ottoman Moiré in red.
David Reid, my hubby and I got to soak in the glare of a camera flash at the glamorous unveiling after party.