Family Portrait

Roy McMakin made a dining room table and chairs for a family of four in Austin.  He sent many painted wood blocks to the family and had each member choose two without seeing what the others had chosen.  The resultant palette is weird, actually really weird.  Somehow, just like a family, it works together.  
Adding to the already very handcrafted work of Roy’s team in Seattle, we got to oversee the hand dying and hand weaving of the merino wool upholstery fabric.  Different dye colors had very different characters- some are almost purely solid color, others have tonal variations, and the dark blue has some white dashes- where I maybe tied the skeins a bit too tight.  The red with its rich rich variation is one of the most beautiful fabrics I have ever seen.
I’m very thrilled to have been part of this family portrait in 8 colors.
In Austin Roy’s work can be seen at the Lora Reynolds Gallery.

photo by Mark Woods

photo by Mark Woods

photo by Mark Woods

photo by Mark Woods